All presentations must be prepared and delivered in English (except presentations in the French free paper session).
All presenters are asked to respect the duration of their presentations:
- 12 minutes (including discussion) for Free paper session presentations (if not informed otherwise)
- 20-25 minutes for Key session presentations (if not informed otherwise)
Technical requirements:
Slide format:
- MS PowerPoint, landscape format
- 16:9 HD presentations, 1080p
- Films embedded videos in power point for optimal compatibility (do not forget to embeb your fonts and to bring your video files separately, as a back up solution)
- The use of personal laptops for presentation is not allowed.
Presentations upload:
- All presentations must be uploaded through the M-anage conference platform prior to the conference, there is no speakers upload center at the conference venue:
- For invited (key session) speakers the presentations must be provided at the latest by Sunday September 15th 2024 as required by the simultaneous translators for preparation.
- For Free paper session speakers, the presentations must be provided before Friday 20th September at the latest.
- How to upload a presentation:
- Please log in to your M-anage account (the same you have used to submit your abstract), click on the Presentations upload button. Your oral presentation listed on the conference programme will appear and you will have the option to upload your presentation there next to it (pptx format required). Please come back to use if you encounter any issues with the upload, you can also send us your power point presentation by email.
- Onsite presentations upload might cause delays in conference programme and is strictly reserved to necessary last minute updates (if necessary). Those updates can be done in the meeting room directly, but at the latest during the coffee break 2 hours prior to the start of your session
Mandatory COI disclosure:
- All oral presenters should include a COI slide (to be downloaded here) as the first or the second slide in their presentation.
- We also need the presenters to send us their signed COI disclosure form (to be downloaded here). The presenters will not be allowed to present if this disclosure is not made
The poster presentations are scheduled as follows:
- Poster session A Wednesday, 25th September, 12:45 – 13:30
- Poster session B Thursday, 26thSeptember, 12:15 – 13:00
The detailed programme of poster presentations is available here.
Presenters are kindly asked to be present by their posters during the indicated session time to present their posters and answer any questions coming from the conference delegates or poster evaluators from the EPUAP Scientific committee. We advise the presenters to be next to their posters also during the Poster sessions and coffee or lunch breaks happening the other days if they are available, as some of the delegates will be visiting the poster exhibition also in other moments and might have questions or points for discussion.
Poster size and set up:
- You have to bring your printed paper poster to the venue.
- The measurements should be approximately A0 Portrait (841mm width x 1188mm height). The poster should be easily readable from a distance of 2 meters.
- All posters should include title, name of authors, institution, city and country.
- Each poster has a specific number, therefore please make sure to mount your poster on the poster board with the corresponding number. The posters overview will be available in the poster area.
- The poster area is located in the Exhibition hall.
- Velcro tape will be provided by the organizers.
- Posters should be mounted during the pre-registration on Tuesday, September 24th, between 13:00 and 18:00 or on Wednesday, September 25th, 07:30 – 09:00.
- Posters should be removed on Friday, September 27th, right after the closing of the conference (by 14:00). Please note that all posters not dismantled till 14:30 on September 27th, will be removed and disposed by the congress staff.
The chairs of the sessions hold a key position in making the programme run as smoothly as possible.
These guidelines are to help you before, during and after the session you are chairing.
- Please arrive in the room of your session at least 10 minutes before it starts.
- 1 student assistant will be present in the room, preparing name signs, water etc. and making sure that all presentations of the sessions are uploaded.
- Technicians will make sure in advance that all devices and audio equipment operate as planned.
- Please prepare some possible questions for the presenters in case no one from the audience will ask a question.
- Discussion: Take charge of the discussion period. Recognize questions from the audience and allow each person who would like to do so to participate in the discussion. Ask the participant to introduce herself/himself and to speak slowly into the microphone.
- Please remind the speakers of the time limit of their presentation (according to the final EPUAP 2022 programme).
- Each free paper presenter has been informed to prepare a presentation for maximum 12 minutes including Q&A.
- Please do not exceed the time assigned for the session. The programme is very tight, and it is important to avoid delays.
- You are kindly asked to switch between presentations by simply announcing the name of the next presenter and the title of the presentation.
- If a presentation cannot be given or if a presenter does not appear (no-show), please stick to the original programme and fill out the remaining time with questions or start a discussion.