Panel debate: Time to educate healthcare professionals
Wednesday 25 September 2024, 17:00 – 18:30, SwissTech Auditorium
Moderated by: Tom O’Connor, Andrea Pokorná
The panel discussion will provide different perspectives coming from a physician, nurse, physiotherapist, podiatrist, pre-clinical researcher and patient.
The provision of education for health care professionals is considered to be a fundamental aspect in preventing and treating pressure ulcers. Research suggests that by equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes they will gain the necessary competencies. Based on this premise we can significantly reduce the incidence and impact of pressure ulcers, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of care. It is reasonable to assume therefore that pressure ulcer prevention and treatment are core curriculum topics across all professions. Indeed, ideally this would take place within an interprofessional education context. We do know however that there is a lot of variation across countries and professional groupings as to how and when PU education is delivered. In resource intensive and content heavy health professional curricula, there can also be barriers to ensuring that PU education is fully included. This panel discussion aims to explore these differences and similarities across the health professions and crucially also aims to include the voice of those who are at risk of, or suffering from, PUs.

Early stage startups session
Friday 27 September 2024, 10:35 – 12:05, Room 1/Garden level
Moderated by: Dr. Heiko Visarius
Heiko Visarius has one of the strongest professional networks in medical technology and personifies the ideal mentor/coach for any MedTech entrepreneur.
During this session, we’ll begin by exploring current trends and innovation opportunities for startups, particularly within the healthcare sector. This will lead into a discussion on the flow of money in healthcare and how startups can navigate funding options, including how to approach business angels and secure seed or early-stage financing. The session will explore also the following topics:
• The financial viewpoint of an investor
• Various business models that work and do not work
• Pricing of medtech devices
• Marketing: features versus benefits and the road to value
• Examples of startups, success and failure stories
• The value of networking and how to do it, including LinkedIn
• Q & A session
• Discussion of participants specific cases